First let's define what an emergency is. Well, for us, if your water service has been interrupted or if you can't flush your commode that is an emergency!
Emergencies during business hours: 724-295-2703
Emergencies on Saturday, Sunday or holidays (7 a.m. - 3 p.m.) : 724-295-4661
Emergencies after hours: 911 or if an area wide issue (more than one home without water service) call 724-282-1221.
**PLEASE NOTE - For area wide water service outages, more than likely 911 has been notified and our crew has been dispatched to locate & isolate the leak. Please do NOT continue to call 911!
Anytime you see a noticeable amount of water or sewage coming to the surface in a street or yard, or if for any other reason you suspect that there may be a line break or leak, the Authority should be notified. If a line break occurs in your neighborhood, MABT crews will work quickly to make repairs and restore service. Due to the urgency of repairing a main break, it may not be possible to notify all customers of interruptions in their service. Every practical effort will be made to minimize inconvenience to our customers and notify those impacted by an automated phone message.
Too many times in the recent past we have all heard or read the stories about criminals posing as utility employees to gain access into someone's home. Please remember the following points to ensure that this doesn't happen to you.
MABT employees are easily identified. They travel in white trucks with our Buffalo logo on each door. They will be in uniform and carry photo ID. Don't hesitate to ask to see their identification. Call our office to verify if you are still unsure.
Whenever it is necessary for our employees to enter your home, their service call will usually have been preceded by a phone call from our office or, it will have been in response to a call we received from you. If this is not the case, check their ID or call our office BEFORE you let them in.
Most utility companies follow these same procedures. Don't let anyone, a utility employee, service person, sales person, contractor, etc. into your home until you know who they are.